Fabio Morreale

Staff research scientist
Sony AI


Kia ora, I am a Staff Research Scientist at Sony AI, in Barcelona - Spain. Prior to that I worked as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland, in New Zealand, where I tought algorithmic composition, research methodology, and critical music studies.

I have a PhD in Computer Science (University of Trento, Italy) and a MSc and BSc in Computer Science (University of Verona, Italy). I worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Augmented Instruments Laboratory at Queen Mary University of London and at the interAction Lab at the University of Trento.

My current research focus is around responsible and ethical AI in music generation and interpretability of AI models.

I am the President of the NIME Board and have been the Co-General Chair of NIME 2022.

I led the development of the NIME Code of Ethics and I am a member of the ISMIR Ethics Group.

I am a PC member of the CHI sucommittee “Critical Computing, Sustainability, and Social Justice”.